home Tuition hourly Rates (SGD/hour)

Tutor's qualification
Student's Level Part-Time / Undergraduate Full-Time / Graduate Current / Ex MOE teachers
Pre-School $20 - $30 $30 - $40 $40 - $50
Pri 1 - 3 $20 - $30 $30 - $40 $50 - $60
Pri 4 - 6 $25 - $35 $35 - $45 $50 - $70
Sec 1 - 2 $30 - $40 $40 - $50 $60 - $80
Sec 3 - 5 $35 - $40 $40 - $55 $60 - $90
JC / Poly /
Post - Secondary
$40 - $50 $50 - $80 $90 - $120
IB / IGCSE $30 - $70 $40 - $90
Language $35 - $45 $45 - $60

Type of tutors

Part-time / Undergraduate Tutors

Undergraduate tutors are mostly part-time teachers who are currently pursuing their bachelor’s degree. Most of the tutors have fresh knowledge on Singapore’s primary, secondary and tertiary education system. Usually, younger tutors blend well with younger students.

Full-Time / Graduate Tutors

Full-time tutors are mostly degree holders who have decided to tutor full-time. Most of these tutors have tutoring experience of more than three years. Since tutoring is their full-time job, they are updated with the syllabus and they have vast experience and skills to impart knowledge to the students. They usually commit to long-term assignments.

Current/Ex MOE Teachers

Current and Ex MOE Teachers are certified by the National Institute of Education. They have the best knowledge and skill set as tutors. They can be expert of the subjects and they understand the best marking schemes. They are often trained to teach and manage students.

estimated Monthly Fees

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